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Chris Bradshaw, Principal, BOOMbox Network
I wrote a bit about the marketing findings written up in Vibrant Nation: What Boomer Women 50+ Know, Think, Do & Buy here. There was another part of the book I enjoyed, and still think about as we work with products and services for the baby boomer market. We all know that age doesn’t really tell us a lot about a person. Our values and belief system – which way we vote, our income levels, our educational level, where we live, who our parents were – those can make us individually seem like Millenials or Traditionals.
Vibrant Nations‘s 5 segments of the 50+ Women’s Consumer Market
Look at the number in the “Self-Interested Spenders” category! Almost half of us/them “… now make decisions based on whether brands, products, and services acknowledge and meet their specific needs.” That sounds like common sense, doesn’t it? But guess what – we didn’t always. We would unthinkingly follow our parents’ brand loyalties, or ignored our own needs. Throughout their book, they bring the real voice of the Vibrant Nation community as examples. No exception here – the quote: “I decided to buy what interested me and – totally and irrevocably – to write off all those companies that weren’t interested in seeking me as a consumer.”
She’s not alone. Our study on Baby Boomers and Beauty showed us that as well. The message? Don’t let the 45+ woman be an accidental buyer of your product – make sure she knows she’s wanted. And, she prefers to hear about products and services from her friends and family. In our world, that also means her blogging and Facebook and Pinterest community. The BOOMbox Network of influencers are very active, sharing and supportive. Telling each other, good and bad, about the products, services and treatment they like and dislike.
Oh, and me? Which one am I? I’m definitely self-interested, but I would say I’m probably a Simplicity Seeker at this point in my life. Focused on Less is More. My partner here at Boombox, Anne-Marie Kovacs, I see as half Values Endorser / half Experiential Indulger, living that life in public on TheSucculentWife.com. How about you? Without the actual survey, what would your guess be?
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